= Want to start hacking? = * GnowsisProjectPlan - look here to see what we are doing at the moment and what will be done next. * JoinGnowsis - I want to be part of this project! What do I have to do? = Setting up your developing environment = * DevelopingFirstSteps - the first steps to get gnowsis running and start hacking = Learning about gnowsis = the main information about gnowsis is in the gnowsis documentation. * [http://www.gnowsis.org/statisch/doc/index.html Gnowsis Documentation online] - several tutorials about gnowsis * [http://www.gnowsis.org/statisch/docs/gnowsis_howto_install_2005_12.pdf HowTo install] - how to install gnowsis step by step * DeveloperFaq - frequently asked questions of developers * GnowsisProjectStructure = Project Guidelines = * LoggingAndDebugging - using logging and debugging to find out what happens * GnowsisTicketsAndWiki - what to put in tickets, what to put in the wiki * ErrorHandling = Specific fields of development = * GnowsisOnTheMac - Mac OsX adaption * [http://www.gnowsis.org/statisch/doc/gnognogui_framework_tutorial.html Gui-developing] - the gnogno-gui framework tutorial (from gnowsis.org website, latest version in SVN). * SearchDeveloping - developing the web-based desktop search and retrieval service * MozillaDeveloping - how to setup an environment to hack Mozilla XPI extensions * AdapterDeveloping - how to write an adapter and make gnowsis use it? * XmlRpcDeveloping - links for XMLRPC * GnowsisConfiguration - where to put configuration files? * GnowsisFixedUris - what are these static uris about?