At the moment we plan for the end of the EPOS project, which requires many bugfixes and the evaluation. Then we are creating the [milestone:0.9%20beta gnowsis 0.9] beta for february. = monitoring progress = If you want to know how far we are, look at the [ TRAC roadmap]! There you see percentage bars. = work in progress = These projects are already started and you may join hacking them. * AppleAddressBookDatasource - how to hack a datasource for apple address book * [PimoThingEditor] - fix bugs, make it usable * [ThingCreationService] - create it from scratch. = Thursday is workday = Gnowsis gets developed in steps, each thursday is such a step * wiki:Workday20050202 - what do we do on this day * wiki:Workday20060223 - getting wiki run * wiki:Workday20060302 - getting miniquire run * wiki:Workday20060309 - fixing bugs!