At the moment we plan for the end of the EPOS project, which requires many bugfixes and the evaluation. Then we are creating the [milestone:0.9%20beta gnowsis 0.9] beta for february. = work in progress = These projects are already started and you may join hacking them. * AppleAddressBookDatasource - how to hack a datasource for apple address book * EclipsePluginPreferenceMgmt - inspiration taken from Eclipse how we can change our configuration approach * WikitologyDeveloping - the wikitology is way of managing ontologies for gnowsis beta. * WikitologyGui - the graphical frontend to manage your concepts * [wiki:SemanticWiki2005 SemanticWiki2005] - upcoming semantic wiki ideas = Planned parts for beta 0.9 = So, for the beta 0.9 we want to have some core parts of gnowsis working rrreeallly good. * PimOntology - the ontology for personal information management * PimGenerationFromNative - generating persons, projects, topics out of the data collected from adapters * WikitologyGui - the gui to edit the personal mental models * WikitologyDeveloping - the service