The gnowsis project(s) are re-structured for the beta and will then hopefully remain as suggested here: = gnowsis-server = svn: /gnowsis-server The core server and core services. Features * org.gnogno.api - api interfaces for: Linker, Annotator, Browser! * org.gnowsis.client - command line client and programming client (connects via http to gnowsis) * org.gnowsis.config - configuration GUI. * - data integration code (not aperture) * org.gnowsis.installer - installation procedures * org.gnowsis.ontmanager - managing external rdf(s) ontologies * org.gnowsis.pimo - managing the personal information model. Also the tagging functionality * org.gnowsis.platform - operating system integration (shellexecute, etc) * org.gnowsis.repository - storage of data via sesame2. Access sesame2 via Jena Models * - indexing, crawling and searching. Fulltext search and SPARQL search * org.gnowsis.server - starting the server framework via EPOSWorkspace (DFKI dependency) * org.gnowsis.update - detect version updates and change config/data * org.gnowsis.uriqa - uriqa server support * org.gnowsis.util - utilities (many!) * org.gnowsis.vocabulary - our vocabularies Depends on * gnogno-comp - the gnogno gui components * aperture - data extraction gnowsis project structure: {{{ | +- bin .. Executables and Batch-Files, Scripts +-+ build .. Build path for ant scripts | +- javadoc .. javadoc Auto generated Javadoc of the gnowsis | +- dist .. packages for distribution | +- doc .. documentation in html +- lib .. jar output files. Here the compiled gnowsis jars are stored. +- license .. license agreement +-+ src .. source of gnowsis | +- examples .. examples that show how to use the source | +- java .. java sources packages, etc | +- resources .. logos, etc in raw format | +- test .. junit test cases | +- win32 .. c++ sources for win32 integration | +-+ service .. files for the web-service and bundle features, WEB-INF, etc +-+ gnowsis-server .. the project name again. contains html files, resources +- WEB-INF .. the service +- classes .. build path for eclipse (in eclipse project) +- lib .. needed libraries for the gnowsis (flat folder) +-+ default .. default files to be copied to .gnowsis +- config .. default config files +- data .. default data files }}} = gnogno-comp = Generic user interface components. Jena-to-Swing-bound controls. Features * org.gnogno.iconservice - interfaces for the iconservice and a minimal implementation. * org.gnogno.gui.**** - all the GUI components, especially: * org.gnogno.gui.rdfswing - rdf swing components * org.gnogno.gui.thing - the thing dialog Depends on: * no other gnowsis projects! project structure: {{{ +- bin .. Executables and Batch-Files, Scripts +-+ build .. Build path for ant scripts | +- javadoc .. javadoc Auto generated Javadoc | +- dist .. packages for distribution | +- build_eclipse .. build path for eclipse (in eclipse project) +- doc .. documentation in html +- import .. needed libraries for gnogno-comp (flat folder) +- lib .. jar output files. Here the compiled gnowsis jars are stored. +- license .. license agreement +-+ src .. source of gnogno-comp | +- examples .. examples that show how to use the source | +- java .. java sources packages, etc | +- resources .. logos, etc in raw format | +- test .. junit test cases }}} = enquire2006 = Enquire user interface of the 2006 version. Features * org.gnogno.enquire2006 - the enquire2006 system * org.gnogno.enquire2006.annotator - simply annotate one resource (similar to linker) * org.gnogno.enquire2006.browser - rdf browser * org.gnogno.enquire2006.config - configuration * org.gnogno.enquire2006.editor - rdf editing background components (loading and storing) * org.gnogno.enquire2006.linker - link one (or multiple) resources or things * org.gnogno.enquire2006.miniquire - the sidebar on the left * org.gnogno.enquire2006.miniquire.sidebar - helper interfaces for miniquire * - display search results in swing * - components for wiki editing in enquire2006 Depends on: * gnowsis * gnogno-comp project structure: {{{ +- bin .. Executables and Batch-Files, Scripts +-+ build .. Build path for ant scripts | +- javadoc .. javadoc Auto generated Javadoc | +- dist .. packages for distribution | +- doc .. documentation in html +- lib .. jar output files. Here the compiled gnowsis jars are stored. +- license .. license agreement +-+ src .. source of gnogno-comp | +- examples .. examples that show how to use the source | +- java .. java sources packages, etc | +- resources .. logos, etc in raw format | +- test .. junit test cases | +-+ service .. files for the web-service and bundle features, WEB-INF, etc +-+ enquire2006 .. the project name again. contains html files, resources +-+ WEB-INF .. the service +- classes .. build path for eclipse (in eclipse project) +- lib .. needed libraries }}}