= Service Data Storage = The service data storage provides a RDF database that can be used by any service of gnowsis to store arbitrary RDF data. Usually, this would be data like usage statistics, crawling reports, access restrictions, Icon configurations, user interface configurations, etc. The service data storage does not support inferencing of fulltext search. It supports context and we encourage you to use context identifiers to seperate your data from the data of others. * [source:branches/gnowsis0.9/gnowsis-server/src/java/org/gnowsis/repository/ServiceDataStorage.java Sourcecode ServiceDataStorage.java] * [http://www.gnowsis.org/statisch/0.9/doc/gnowsis-server/javadoc/org/gnowsis/repository/ServiceDataStorage.html Javadoc ServiceDataStorage.java] == Using the Service Data Storage == To access the service data storage: * internally (from within the gnowsis VM): {{{Gnowsis.getServiceDataStorage()}}} * externally via Sesame: use the local sesame server and the repository '''service''' * externally via XML/RPC: use the DataAccess and the repository name '''service'''