= Sesame1 web interface = SesameWebInterface is a sub-project of gnowsis that aims to port the Sesame1 functionality to Sesame2. Features: * Use the sesame1 web interface * use the sesame1 client apis to connect to gnowsis * many hacks to make it work Limitations: * No support for SPARQL yet * No support for context * No construct queries (do not work in sesame2) * No real configuration of repositories using the config file * No security Our plan for this project is to merge it with Sesame2 web interface of openrdf.org and bring the '''features''' to sesame2, combining it with the already programmed stuff for sesame2. = Download = This is part of the gnowsis distribution. SVN: https://gnowsis.opendfki.de/repos/gnowsis/branches/gnowsis0.9/sesame1/