= go west, life is peaceful there, go west, in the open air, ...= we left the shores of CVS and move on to the sweet lawn of Subversion The subversion URL is: https://gnowsis.opendfki.de/repos/gnowsis/trunk use your normal user/password (unix password) Replace these projects: * gnoFoafNaut * gnogno_enquire2005 * gnoGuiExample * gnowsis * gnowsis_email * gnowsis_exampleservice * gnowsis_mozadapt * gnowsis_outlookadapter * gnowsisplugin and check out these that are already there: * gnoJoseki * gnowsis_adapterpack = Don't Panic = The checkout of the projects can take about 5 min, worst case 15 min. Let your eclipse work it out, don't panic.