To use the TagingAPI from Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird, it will be the best, if the tags could be transmitted as comma separated list via httprequest. Request from Mozilla Thunderbird: * get me tags fitting to this email: * message-id * subject * body * result: * list of:tag-uri + tag + class of tag * get me tags of this email(s) (input either one e-mail or many) (has to be fast-as-hell) * message-id * result: * list of:tag-uri + tag + class of tag * tag this e-mail using that tag: * message-id * tag-uri * operation: add tag/remove tag * result: * ok/error * tag this e-mail using that tag-name: * message-id * tag-name (the label) * operation: add tag/remove tag * result: * has to create a NEW TAG if tag-name does not exists, creates a URI for the tag. * return new tag-uri + ok/error To identificate an email, we should use the Message-ID and not the mail-uri, because if an email is moved to another folder we will loss the relation of the tags to this mail.