= Tagging API = fulfills use case: UseCaseTagging implemented in gnowsis-server and the PIMO. * javadoc: [http://www.gnowsis.org/statisch/0.9/doc/gnowsis-server/javadoc/org/gnowsis/pimo/TaggingApi.html TaggingApi] * code: [source:branches/gnowsis0.9/gnowsis-server/src/java/org/gnowsis/pimo/TaggingApi.java TaggingApi.java] Example to use the tagging API from inside gnowsis: {{{ // tag the file c:/semanticweb/blub.pdf with the ontology instance Semantic+Web Gnowsis.getTaggingApi().addTagToResource( "gnowsis://sauermann@serv-3100.dfki.uni-kl.de/resources/pimo/Semantic+Web", "file:/c:/semanticweb/blub.pdf"); }}} = Using Tagging API from other applications = We have made a crappy servlet to access the API, but we recommend to use XmlRpcDeveloping methods to access the api.