= Tomasz Trela's Test Task (TTTT) = To learn about NEPOMUK, there is an open test task to do. Comment on this site about it.... This takes a day: Learn about the [http://www.w3.org/2001/sw Semantic Web]: * read and '''understand completly''' the [http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/Primer N3 Semantic Web primer] by (Sir) Tim Berners-Lee * skim through the [http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-primer-20040210/ RDF primer] and remember where to find it when you need it. * click once to see a little more: http://www.getsemantic.com/wiki/Get_Started_with_the_Semantic_Web * Now you know about the Semantic Web. This takes another day Now you basically know a little how it works. Then get Eclipse 3.3 EUROPA, an SVN client (subclipse), Java 1.5 and start getting aquainted with [http://aperture.sourceforge.net/ Aperture] * [http://aperture.wiki.sourceforge.net/GettingStarted Getting started] with aperture * run a few of the [http://aperture.wiki.sourceforge.net/ApertureExampleApplications command line examples] to get aquainted * Now you know how to convert data from somewhere to Semantic Web formats. Now hack something: * use Aperture's del.icio.us crawler and crawl some tags and resources from del.icio.us. If you don'T have an account there, use [http://del.icio.us/leobard Leo Sauermann's account] - you have some RDF of tags now * use Aperture's flickr.com crawler and crawl the metadata of some photos. If you don't have an account on flickr, use [http://www.flickr.com/photos/leobard/ Leo Sauermann's account on flickr] * The flickr crawler is, as you will notice, somehow broken. As is the del.icio.us crawler. If you can, fix it until you get similar good results as the del.icio.us crawler This will take a day, if you are quick. Antoni Mylka can help you. Now the final thing: * write a new application, preferable inside the code of Aperture in the /examples/ folder, that loads the RDF extracted from del.icio.us and flickr.com and integrates the tags. As a result, all photos and URIs of each tag should be listed on System.Out. * The tricky part here, is that I used the same tag names both on flickr and del.icio.us, such as "vienna" or "semanticweb". You must integrate the two data streams into one, at the end, the user means the same with vienna, independent if [http://www.flickr.com/photos/leobard/tags/vienna/ vienna on flickr] or [http://del.icio.us/leobard/vienna vienna on del.icious]. This can take a day or weeks, depending on you :-)