implemented in PimOntology, Pimo-storage, resource-storage = Prerequisite = Pimo-storage and resource-storage are filled with a lot of things and resources. Some have to do with Rome or the new Branch Office of Paul. = Result = Search results are displayed. Paul can click, and an overview of the thing is shown. = Trigger = User enters his search term "Rome" in the fulltext-search field in miniquire. = Procedure = * User opens miniquire * enters "rome" in the global fulltext-search field. * web-interface for search pops up in system default browser. * gnowsis searches the pimo-storage and the resource-storage fro resources and things that contain "Rome" in their title, label, wiki or fulltext. * search results displayed in the web-interface. Each hit should be explained using some text. * Paul clicks "Branch Office Rome" and the branch office opens in the swing gui. = Alternatives =