= UseCase Tagging = (back to UseCases) implemented by using TaggingApi, TaggingPluginThunderbird, and PimOntology for all use cases we use only applications listed in UseCaseApplications = Prerequisite = User has a PIMO, PIMO is filled with a view things. The resource to be annotated is identified by a uri. Options: the tag already exists or not, the resource is already stored in the resource-storage or not. = Result = The resource is tagged as being an occurrence of the thing. Thing and occurrence-triple are stored in pimo, resource is stored in resource-storage (if not already). = Trigger = User presses button "tag" in the application. = Procedure = Paul tags a document as being an occurrence of the ESWC2006 * User opens application, selects a resource. - resource "Document about ESWC2006" * user presses "tag" button * looks somehow like this: http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/~sauermann/2006/01-pimo-report/img-tagging.png * A text-edit comes, user can enter the letters "ESW..." * system guesses the rest of the word and shows possible tags * If tag exists: * user selects it * press ok - the resource is connected to the tag * If tag does not exist: * user has to enter whole tag: ESWC2006 * System creates new tag in PIMO, with uri being created as paul:ESWC2006 * System gives paul:ESWC2006 the class pimo:Topic * tag is connected to uri * User interface shows the tag next to the document = Alternatives = * the document is not yet in the resource-store: the application or gnowsis has to store the document's uri, fulltext, type, and label. then link the uri. * or the application has to ping aperture to re-crawl (maybe just this?) and it will appear? * The user selects more than one resource, either multi select, or a folder of emails, f.x. ?