This page links to all the different use-cases that will be the focus for beta 0.9 development. The list as discussed briefly with Leo: These are the applications we will use UseCaseApplications * UseCaseInstallationGnowsisFindsMyStuff * UseCaseTagging (show at CeBit) * UseCaseAnnotatingWithWiki (show at CeBit) * UseCaseTaggingWithTextClassificiation * UseCaseSearchRelated (show at CeBit) * UseCaseFulltextSearch (show at CeBit) * UseCaseShowThing (show at CeBit) * UseCaseAnnotatingWithText * UseCaseAnnotatingWithThings * UseCaseCreatingOwnRelations * UseCaseMoveAndClassifyFile (show at CeBit) * UseCasePersonalBlog (show at CeBit) UseCaseTemplate - to make a new one (Also UseCaseGunnar and UseCaseGunnarsVision on Gunnar's first experience with gnowsis, these dont map cleanly to the above though. )