= to do in this week = fix tickets (see milestone 0.9.1) == Document the success stories == Write HowTos in this Wiki, blog them when they are done * Relating things: HowtoRelatethings * new relation types * drag stuff from here to there * Drop - Box: HowtoDropbox * hack with sendto menu * Structuring My diploma thesis: HowtoOrganizeMyDiplomathesis * what classes, instances and relations I have used == Firefox plugin == Make a plugin that: * shows tags for the current page * shows possible tags for the current page (text similarity) * tags a page * lists all tags, lets me open pages (replacement for bookmarks or del.icio.us) input to list all tags: use a lokal servlet that creates something like this: * http://www.flickr.com/photos/leobard/tags/ * then link to stuff that is from longwell * http://simile.mit.edu/longwell/ input: * del.icio.us plugin http://delicious.mozdev.org/installation.html * http://scrumdidilyumptio.us/ plugin == Rebirth Machine == without that, everything else is useless == Refine dropbox == more suggestions. add dropbox to Windows sendTo Menu. == Semantic Wiki == Add Portal functionalities to define for each Concept user defined informations. This Informations can be based on queries. This makes it possible to generate summarations of sets of existing Concepts. == integrate google calendar == * download ical from google calendar * open ical items on google calendar