= Workday 2006 - 02 - 02 = FlorianMittag: * create new Workspace: gnowsis beta. see GnowsisDevelopingBeta * API for changing the PIMO. DominikHeim: * create new Workspace: gnowsis beta. see GnowsisDevelopingBeta * extract icons from operating system (windows filetype icons) * Christiaan Fluit (aduna.biz) gave use this tip: There is a standard J2SE API for retrieving these icons: javax.swing.filechooser.FileSystemView.getIcon(File file). It returns icons for files but also for folders, file systems, etc. I don't think we use this for "real" files .... only for folders and drives, but I believe you should get the file-type-specific icons. * look into source:trunk/gnowsis/src/org/gnowsis/data/util/InverseFiletypeMap.java to map mime-types to file extensions (helps when using the operating system services) * look at /gnowsis-server/src/java/org/gnogno/iconservice * make IconService run with new config-storage (store icon config in a config model in ConfigStorage)