= Thursday is workday - day 23.2.2006 = * FlorianMittag and DanielBurkhart: move Kaukoluwiki to gnowsis - see GnowsisKaukolu * DominikHeim: write PimoThingEditor. implement the relations-panel. DominikHeim: Use the glazedlists for the relationspanel, especially the [http://publicobject.com/glazedlists/glazedlists-1.5.0/api/ca/odell/glazedlists/GroupingList.html GroupingList.java]. You have to implement this panel here: src:branches/gnowsis0.9/enquire2006/src/java/org/gnogno/enquire2006/editor/RelationsPanel.java should look like the right part of PimoThingEditor. Note that the grouped-table of glazedlists is needed for the grouping by type, relations, etc.