Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of AddingNewFeatures

10/30/06 13:45:50 (18 years ago)



  • AddingNewFeatures

    v1 v1  
     1= Gnowsis Development Process XXI: Adding New Features = 
     3'''I have an idea, it involves two dwarves and a fairy living in a house...''' (The Janitor from "Your Studio and You") 
     5So, you have a great Idea for a gnowsis feature.  
     7 * First, write an e-mail to the gnowsis-dev mailinglist, see GnowsisMailinglists. 
     8 * Then, create a wikipage describing the new idea, best at GnowsisBrainstorm 
     9 * If your idea is great and seems to be promising (which means, you got some mail back from the mailinglist, we are sure every idea is great if you have kept it munching inside your brain long enough) - make an enhancement TICKET.  
     10  * Go To "New Ticket" 
     11  * be sure to check the "enhancement" option in the combobox up there, ~~not "defect"~~ 
     12 * Be sure to write a second e-mail to the GnowsisMailinglist, to note when the feature should be added, then you can enter the Milestone info to the ticket. We might also add priority. 
     14When you implement an idea: 
     15 * Start by looking if the idea is already implemented. LeoSauermann usually knows if an idea is already implemented. Ask him via jabber. 
     16 * Write an Interface or abstract class first! 
     17 * Then write a JUnit test first! This is the best way to start. Put your test into some src/test/org/gnowsis/... folder 
     18 * Write then the Implementation! put the code into src/java/org/gnowsis/.... 
     19 * Again: '''first interface, then JUnit test, then implementation''' 
     20 * Use LoggingAndDebugging if you have bugs. 