
Version 1 (modified by sauermann, 19 years ago) (diff)


Unified functionality of java.util.Map with RDF graphs. Basically, it is a Map with key-value pairs, where one key value can have one value. The keys are restricted to URIs represented as Strings. The values are normally Strings but can be complex types. The RDF aspect is that the complex types and the key-value pairs are interpreted as RDF triples. Each key-value pair in the map is then interpreted as a triple of <subject-key-value>. The subject is the uri of the resource in question.

To keep this simple, each ApertureRDFMap creates its own little RDF graph, which should be as lightweight as possible.

public interface RDFMap {

   * get the top resource that identifies usually the DataObject in question.
  public Resource getTopResource();

  public Map asMap();
