Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of GnowsisApiRequirements

03/01/06 10:37:15 (18 years ago)



  • GnowsisApiRequirements

    v6 v7  
    3232I'd need in particular:  
    3333 * Mail: folders and mails: folder structure, folder and mail labels (subject), sender, receivers, and content. Perfect would be full access to all mail headers. For example, it would be very useful to know whether a mail is from a mailinglist or not (list-id header). This is most probably too much overhead for most Gnowsis use cases, but it would be great if I could either a) configure it which headers to return (my favourite solution ;-) ) or b) patch my own Gnowsis by adding a few lines in the appriopriate code file. 
    34  * Addressbook: Contacts with name, email... It would be nice if I could find out the source of a foaf:Person easily (it makes a difference if a Foaf person was extracted from a CC in a mail or from the addressbook), you certainly don't want every CCed person in your PIMO) 
     34 * Addressbook: Contacts with name, email... It would be nice if I could find out the source of a foaf:Person easily (it makes a difference if a Foaf person was extracted from a CC in a mail or from the addressbook, you certainly don't want every mail receiver in your PIMO) 
    3535 * File Folders and Files: structure, labels (filenames), and fulltext 