Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of PimoInference

09/20/06 23:29:05 (18 years ago)



  • PimoInference

    v2 v3  
    11= PimoInference = 
    3 We do '''inference during insert''' into the pimo. The rules used for inference are defined in a Jena rules file, you can [source:branches/gnowsis0.9/gnowsis-server/src/java/org/gnowsis/pimo/impl/rules/pimo-rdfs.rules read the rules]. Based on these rules, additional triples are created during insert. Also when you delete triples, the same rules are used to entail the other triples that have to be deleted. To limit the complexity, we '''limit inference to the TBox'''. So we infer the subclass and sub-property relations and also inverse triples. We do not infer instance relations and individual triples. When querying the pimo-service, you can rely on all subclass and subproperty and inverse relations. The missing Abox-related relations can be easily added, see below. 
     3We do '''inference during insert''' into the pimo. The rules used for inference are defined in a Jena rules file, you can [source:trunk/gnowsis-server/src/java/org/gnowsis/pimo/impl/rules/pimo-rdfs.rules read the rules]. Based on these rules, additional triples are created during insert. Also when you delete triples, the same rules are used to entail the other triples that have to be deleted. To limit the complexity, we '''limit inference to the TBox'''. So we infer the subclass and sub-property relations and also inverse triples. We do not infer instance relations and individual triples. When querying the pimo-service, you can rely on all subclass and subproperty and inverse relations. The missing Abox-related relations can be easily added, see below. 
    55see also: