Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of PimoStorage

07/17/06 18:36:41 (18 years ago)



  • PimoStorage

    v8 v9  
    14= PimoStorage = 
    3336 * Storage is !NativeSail + luceneSail 
    35 = Using Context in the PIMO = 
    36 The fourth part of a triple - context - can be used differently in the pimo, we haven't decided yet how. Possibilities for context are: 
    37  * use context to seperate between domain ontologies. Context = uri of the InformationModel (not namespace, btw). 
    38  * use context for each triple: each triple has a context, context is a random uri. Uri is annotated saying who created it when in which domain ontology. This helps updates (seing "what has changed since yesterday"). 
     38= Named graphs and ontologies in the PIMO Storage = 
     39Since the [wiki:UpdateJuly2006Pimo Update to named graphs for the Pimo in July 2006] the PIMO Storage is used to distuingish between ontologies using named graphs. The context information in the quad-store is used to identify the ontology. 
     41We use the fourth element (context) of these quads for the URI of the ontology, the uri of the resource that describes the ontology is used, not the namespace. 
     43For example, for the PIMO-language the context identifier is 
     46The management of the ontologies inside the PimoStorage is now handled by the PimoService. 
     48'''You should stop using the web interface for Sesame1 to add data, it is not named graph conformant, we will work on that. ''' 
    4050= Domain Ontologies = 
    4252The user might decide to write a domain ontology or download one from the web. If that happens, the domain ontology (example: beer ontology) will be glued into the user's pimo. 
    44 So we have to support: 
    45  * creation of domain ontologies 
    46  * deletion of domain ontologies / removing of instances that were created in my Pimo using domain ontology 
    47  * editing of domain ontology. 
    48  * updating of domain ontology from a changed remote version. 
     54Domain ontologies are added/deleted/updated using methods of the PimoService. 
     55You can interact directly with the triples of an ontology in the store, but you have to care for inference and the correct context yourself then.