Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of SuccessStory

09/06/06 13:03:02 (18 years ago)



  • SuccessStory

    v2 v3  
    66Another nice feature is to draw relations between different notes. I used it e.g. to express, that the Person A knows how to use the Eclipse RCP. I added this relation one month ago. I'm sure, that I would have forgot the name of person A until now, but luckily my PIMO preserves it. ;) 
    8 I additionally used the Drop Box to be able to quickly sort new created files, like UML Diagrams, to my current project workspaces. In gnowsis2.PNG, you can see the result of using the Drop Box. Gnowsis created a folder and annotated this folder with  TaskPadDiary by using a hasContainer relation. The specific diagram file called taskPadDiary.png is attached as an occurance to TaskPadDiary. 
     8I additionally used the Drop Box to be able to quickly sort new created files, like UML Diagrams, to my current project workspaces. In gnowsis2.PNG, you can see the result of using the Drop Box. Gnowsis created a folder and annotated this folder with  TaskPadDiary by using a hasContainer relation. The specific diagram file called taskPadDiary.png is attached as an occurance to TaskPadDiary. Again Enquire2 can be used as a Tagging System. 
     10All in all I can say, that the use of Gnowsis spares time to organize my knowledge and enables me to document things quickly and cool.