Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of ThingCreationService

02/20/06 17:39:32 (18 years ago)



  • ThingCreationService

    v3 v4  
    11= Thing Creation Service (aka Rebirth-Machine) = 
     3responsible: wiki:Gunnar 
    35automatic creation of things from resources (rebirth-machine).  Generating persons, projects, topics out of the data collected from adapters 
    57One of the requirements from gnowsis states to create active folders, or active things. To allow this, we will describe our implementation sometime in the future. The extension of the PIMO to represent these active folders will be part of the upcoming PIMO-api ontology. Look out for it in the next months. Contact the developers of gnowsis at some time. 
     9There are basic implementations of how we would create things in this diploma thesis by Man Luo (dfki access only): 
     10 * 
    712= Synchronising by tagging systems and Aperture = 
    1116see ApertureDatasources for a list of datasources that create tags and may be used. 
     18Approach to create PIMO-things from PIMO-Resources: 
     20 * log all add/remove/change events from aperture. example: User added e-mail E 
     21 * e-mail E was added, look what '''possible things can be created from E''' 
     22 * possible things are: three persons: Paul, Peter and Monika. They are to, from and cc of the mail 
     23 * look if foaf:Person instances to the possible things are already in PIMO. look by e-mail address. 
     24 * Peter and Paul were already in pim, do not create them again but add the e-mail as 'occurrence' to them 
     25 * Monika is new, create a pimo:Person for her, attach the paul:Monika person to the e-mail via pimo:creationSupportedBy 
     26 * done: the e-mail was checked, Peter and Paul have new occurrences, Monika is created. 
     28The following is needed to do this: 
     29 * a set of SERQL queries (or something) that look at a resource and create '''possible things'''. This will also do ontology transformation, the Aperture-data ontology will be converted to pimo. You can invent domain ontologies for that, for example pimo:foaf for our foaf-related information. 
     30 * a checker to see if '''possible things''' are in user's pimo already (=smushing, searching doublettes) 
     31 * a way to add the '''possible things''' to the pimo using the Pimo-Service. 
    1333= Active Folders =