
Version 1 (modified by sauermann, 18 years ago) (diff)


implemented in PimOntology, Pimo-storage, resource-storage


Pimo-storage and resource-storage are filled with a lot of things and resources. Some have to do with Rome or the new Branch Office of Paul.


Search results are displayed. Paul can click, and an overview of the thing is shown.


User enters his search term "Rome" in the fulltext-search field in miniquire.


  • User opens miniquire
  • enters "rome" in the global fulltext-search field.
  • web-interface for search pops up in system default browser.
  • gnowsis searches the pimo-storage and the resource-storage fro resources and things that contain "Rome" in their title, label, wiki or fulltext.
  • search results displayed in the web-interface. Each hit should be explained using some text.
  • Paul clicks "Branch Office Rome" and the branch office opens in the swing gui.
