
Version 25 (modified by sauermann, 17 years ago) (diff)


GnowsisEvaluation November 2007 - win a TShirt and more

The GnowsisEvaluation wants to find out what concepts(instances) users actually focus on in the Semantic Desktop. Therefore a Evaluation Logger was altered to help Shingo Kubo do this in his master thesis.

All the logged data is kept private and deleted after the master thesis is written. The data that will be published will be anonymous.

Capturing statistical data about the Semantic Desktop

For this evaluation, the gnowsis system writes down (logs) some activity data, how you interact with the system. During installation you can decide how much is logged. Note that gnowsis never sends this data to the DFKI. The log-files are plaintext and you can check the following explaination by looking at the files or directly to the open-source system. You can choose what data you want to give away for the evaluation. However, the log-level FINEST is needed in my research. Therefore please consider using the log-level FINEST to support the scientific work. The Log-Level in detail are:

  • OFF – off ;-)
  • INFO – Only actions are logged (no data)
  • FINE – actions and (anonymous) data is logged
  • FINEST – actions and data is logged. For trend analysis, this level is needed

The log file will be created in your gnowsis home directory (e.g. C:\documents and settings\yourname\.gnowsis-beta\evaluation.log). In this file generic use data is collected (click-counts, which parts of the software you used) and if you decided to use log-level "FINEST" or "FINE", some personal data is collected. FINEST will capture some file-names and other personal information, which we will not communicate to anyone.

Evaluation Overview

  • Use Gnowsis for one month (9th November - 10th December 2007)
  • In January 2008 we will have evaluated the logfiles and created a summary on "which trends were recognized". At that time I will ask you to give feedback on that (that will take 10 minutes of your time).

Sending the data to Shingo Kubo

On the 11th December, please send your data via e-mail to Shingo Kubo (Shingo.Kubo@…). The file is located in your home directory (C:\documents and settings\yourname\.gnowsis-beta\evaluation.log). As this file can grow very big, you might want to zip it beforehand.


  • We will only use your data for this evaluation and the corresponding master thesis !!!
  • Stored data only used for scientific research (statistical evaluation).
  • Data will not be passed on to a third party or another DFKI research lab in any way !!!
  • All data will be deleted afterwards.
  • Published data (within master thesis) will be completely anonymous.
  • The log files are not connected to the questionnaires.

Online Evaluation

Now under construction. (This should be written by January 2008.)

Your questions concearning...

...Evaluation: Shingo Kubo; Shingo.Kubo@…

...Installation, Suggestions, Bugs: Shingo Kubo; Shingo.Kubo@… and Heiko Maus; Heiko.Maus@…

...Gnowsis Developement: Leo Sauermann; sauermann@…

Download Gnowsis

More about the scientific experiment

Gnowsis 0.9 step-by-step installation instruction

Gnowsis 0.9 documentation

Gnowsis 0.9 user documentation

Gnowsis 0.9 FAQ

XML-RPC developing with gnowsis *Stories *XML-RPC

Report a Bug

Everything else


The Logger is implemented in this class:

Access is typically using this class:


GnowsisEvaluation May-July 2006 - win a TShirt and more

The GnowsisEvaluation wants to find out how users actually use the Semantic Desktop. Therefor a Evaluation Logger was written to help DominikHeim do this in his diploma thesis (see for details).

All the logged data is kept private and deleted after the diploma thesis is written. The data that will be published will be anonymous.

You can chose what data you want to give away for the evaluation. Please consider using the log-level FINE or FINEST, to support the scientific work.

Capturing statistical data about the Semantic Desktop

For this evaluation, the gnowsis system writes down (logs) some activity data, how you interact with the system. During installation you can decide how much is logged. Note that gnowsis never sends this data to the DFKI, you are free to do that at the end of each month via e-mail. The log-files are plaintext and you can check the following explaination by looking at the files or directly to the open-source system. You can chose what data you want to give away for the evaluation. Please consider using the log-level FINE or FINEST, to support the scientific work. The Log-Level in detail are:

  • OFF – off ;-)
  • INFO – Only actions are logged (no data)
  • FINE – actions and (anonymous) data is logged
  • FINEST – actions and data is logged

The log file will be create in your gnowsis home directory (e.g. C:\documents and settings\yourname\.gnowsis-beta\evaluation.log). In this file generic use data is collected (click-counts, which parts of the software you used) and if you decided to use log-level "FINEST" or "FINE", some personal data is collected. FINEST will capture some file-names and other personal information, which we will not communicate to anyone.

Evaluation Overview

  • Use Gnowsis one month (may)
  • Get a Gnowsis update (end of may): During may we are again working hard to improve Gnowsis. Therefor your suggestions are welcome (You can use the "report a bug" button for your suggestions also)
  • Use Gnowsis another month (june)
  • Do a short (max 5 min!) questionnaire (online): The workshop participant already did the introduction questionaire. This questionnaire is about how Gnowsis met your expectations towards a Semantic Desktop application. The evaluation log files are not connected to the questionnaires.

Sending the data to Dominik

At the 29th of May, please send your data via e-mail to Dominik Heim (heim@…). The file is located in your home directory (C:\documents and settings\yourname\.gnowsis-beta\evaluation.log). As this file can grow very big, you might want to zip it beforehand.

In this file generic use data is collected (click-counts, which parts of the software you used) and if you decided to use log-level "FINEST" or "FINE", some personal data is collected. FINEST will capture some file-names and other personal information, which we will not communicate to anyone.

At the 26th of June, please send your data via e-mail to Dominik Heim (heim@…). The file is located in your home directory (C:\documents and settings\yourname\.gnowsis-beta\evaluation.log). As this file can grow very big, you might want to zip it beforehand.


  • We will only use your data for this evaluation and the corresponding diploma thesis !!!
  • Stored data only used for scientific research (statistical evaluation)
  • Data will not be passed on to a third party or another DFKI research lab in any way !!!
  • All data will be deleted afterwards
  • Published data (within diploma thesis) will be completely anonymous
  • The log files are not connected to the questionnaires.

Online Evaluation

We will highly appreciate for your valuable time to fill in the following online questionnaire for Evaluating Semantic Desktop.

Online Questionnaire

Important Links

Your questions concearning...

...Evaluation: Dominik Heim heim@… and Danish Nadeem nadeem@…

...Installation, Suggestions, Bugs: Dominik Heim; heim@…

...Gnowsis Developement: Leo Sauermann; sauermann@…

Download Gnowsis

More about the scientific experiment

Gnowsis 0.9 step-by-step installation instruction

Gnowsis 0.9 documentation

Gnowsis 0.9 user documentation

Gnowsis 0.9 FAQ

XML-RPC developing with gnowsis *Stories *XML-RPC

Report a Bug

Everything else


The Logger is implemented in this class:

Access is typically using this class: