
Join Gnowsis!

We are always open to contributions from external users and developers.

Warm up

If you are a developer and want to join the gnowsis team, do the following:

  • do what is said here: GnowsisDevelopingBeta
  • run some JUnit tests from gnowsis-server/src/test/... and see what happens
  • if gnowsis starts, use it!
  • think about where you can contribute
  • contribute something small (documentation, one bugfix) and send it to Leo as a patch
  • we will take a few patches from you, after a while you are a developer and get an account.

We always search for people that:

  • write documentation for end-users
  • write tutorials developers
  • fix bugs
  • implement new features
  • do their diploma thesis or University internship (dt: Diplomarbeit, Praktikum, Industriepraktikum) as a gnowsis project

Join gnowsis!

After the warm-up, write an e-mail to leo.sauermann(ad) with the username you want to have. Leo sends back your password and you are in.

Last modified 18 years ago Last modified on 11/02/06 13:59:38