
Version 3 (modified by sebastian_weber, 18 years ago) (diff)


Kaukoluwiki Developing

First, read the kaukoluwiki website (but use the installation instructions below):

Then, checkout the wiki from SVN:

Compiling Kaukolu and Kaukoluwiki

Gnowsis kaukoluwiki consists of the core done by kaukolu from opendfki and our own extensions in the kaukoluwiki project.

To compile:

  • run the build.xml in kaukolu - target gnowsis-prepare
  • run the build.xml in kaukoluwiki - target dist-fromkaukolu

The second build target is quite tricky, it moves the SVN files to a save place and will delete all changes you did inside the /service/ folder of kaukoluwiki, so see you have copied your changes (in JSP files or web.xml) to the corresponding files in /src/.