
Dominik's Diploma & Gnowsis 0.9.2 Party

Date: 17.11.2006
Time: 19:00

Place: Leo's appartment,
Pirmasenser Str 18,

Dominik "Heimwege" Heim has finished his Diploma thesis and will leave DFKI for strange new worlds to seek out new life and new civilizations.

Also we made a gnowsis release! Lets party. Invited are all gnowsis developers and users from DFKI, with friends and partners.

Expect from leo:

  • some beer
  • something to eat
  • music, videos

Please bring:

  • high-proteine and vitamine rich alcohol
  • beer
  • chips & food
  • music, videos

We will then listen to music, drink beer and annotate photos using gnowsis.

Please add your name here if you come and what you can contribute:

  • LeoSauermann - beer, music, videos, chips, bread, something to put on bread
  • Gunnar - hummous
  • Antoni Mylka + friend
  • DominikHeim + girlfriend - crate of beer (which would you prefer? Leo: any beer if its cold! some hefeweizen will be appreciated by gunnar & sintek), chips, pasta salad
  • Sandra Zilles
  • Thomas Roth-Berghofer
  • Florian Mittag - some hard alcohol and chips (I may arrive a bit later, we're going to watch "Borat" this evening)
Last modified 18 years ago Last modified on 11/17/06 12:04:36