Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of UpdateJuly2006Pimo

07/16/06 11:12:21 (18 years ago)



  • UpdateJuly2006Pimo

    v1 v1  
     3 <h3>Update the PIMO storage to separate pimo into contexts.</h3> 
     4 <p>16.7.2006, Leo Sauermann<br/> 
     5 This update will check if your PIMO storage (where the ontologies and your personal information 
     6 model are stored) already conform to the context model. Learn more about context here:  
     7 <a href="">context in sesame2</a>. 
     8 </p><p> 
     9 The update will then separate the repository into different contexts, one for each ontology. 
     10 The algorithm to update the data is based on "pimo:metaIsDefinedBy" triples. 
     11 A backup will be made before the update to a file in the gnowsis home, see <a href=""> 
     12 where does gnowsis store my data?</a>. If the update cannot exactly split the models, it will show 
     13 a message and say so. You can then choose to override and continue, which is normally ok. To do so, 
     14 enter <b>"blessme" as magic word</b> in the dialog box. In this case, more detailled backups and debug 
     15 files are created in your (yourhome).gnowsis_beta/update folder. 
     16 </p><p> 
     17 <b>After this update, you should stop using the web interface for Sesame1 to add data, it is not 
     18 named graph conformant, we will work on that.</b> The web interface by gnowsis has been improved, 
     19 we are now able to add/remove ontologies correctly. Try out the 
     20 <a href="">ontology manager</a>. 
     21 </p> 