Beta Hack 2006
A three-day gnowsis hack where the whole team gathers to finish all the features for beta0.9. The specifications and designs are made beforehand.
Date & Place
- Thursday 16, Friday 17, Saturday 18 February 2006.
- Zeit: 10:00 (MUST) bis 21:00 (danach: Bier + Glockencafe)
- Ort: Leo Sauermann, Pirmasenser Str 18, 67655 Kaiserslautern
Thursday, 16th: special evening event: Lars Zapf gibt einen aus. @Cameo ~21:30
- Leo's Appartment. Pirmasenser Strasse 18, 67655 Kaiserslautern. 0631/8924761. Near Havanna pub.
Bring and think of:
- food. We will try to order pizza and go to the chinese takeaway, but bring some basic food with you (apples, bread, chips)
- Notebook(s)
- power-adapter for your notebook
- mouse + mousepad
- Lan Cable (optional)
- Lan repeater (optional, if you have one)
- a complete workspace, checked out and ready. see GnowsisDevelopingBeta
- Beer is sponsored by Leo (served either when serious tickets are solved or after 18:00)
Leo does not have a coffee-making device (only an inferiour) so Gunnar brings a press-cafetier and we should invest in a few kilos of good coffee. Gunnar volunteered to sponsor this.
Setup your computer for this
- Eclipse running
- Java 1.5 running
- Local copies of any javadoc you need (since bandwidth is limited)
- Download the following if you think you need the source to hack/trace. (binary libraries are already in gnowsis):
- Jena 2.3
- ARQ 1.2
- Sesame2-alpha3
- Sparql for sesame (
Check out the following from NO Exceptions, we will stop doing dependencies through jars during the hack - and you need the projects to run anything.
- gnowsis-server
- gnowsis-util
- gnowsis
- enquire2006
- gnogo-comp
- Jena2Sesame
- lucenesail
- DFKIUtils2
- aperture (from sourceforge cvs)
- LeoSauermann
- DanielBurkhart (Saturday(?))
- DominikHeim
- FlorianMittag
- Man Luo?
- wiki:Gunnar
- trb
- BenjaminHorak
- Frank ? (ist das nah an mir?)
- Moritz Plößl (1 Tag)
--> max Völkel kommt in der woche darauf!
We try thing after thing to get a service running, so that it answers. It does not necessarily have to work well, just do something.
- wiki:Gunnar :
ConfigurationStorage - DanielBurkhart:
ConfigurationWindow - DominikHeim:
MiniquireGui - FlorianMittag:
PimoService(full impl) - BenjaminHorak: TaggingApi
- wiki:Gunnar :
ApertureConfigurationService,ApertureSynchroniser - FlorianMittag:
PimoServiceand searching it - DominikHeim:
MiniquireGui - BenjaminHorak:
- FlorianMittag: PimoService + UseCaseShowThing
- DominikHeim: UseCasePersonalBlog
- BenjaminHorak: UseCaseTagging
- MiniquireGui: 60% - creation of classes, things and deletion work
- PimoThingEditor - UseCaseShowThing: 10% - Gui shows and we know howto query.
- PimoService: 80% - most inference works, all functions do something
- PimoStorage 90%
- ResourceStorage 90%
- ConfigurationWindow: 50% - buggy but the most important stuff is here
- TaggingApi + webinterface: 50% - they work but have to be tested
- UseCasePersonalBlog: 10% - the basic gui is there. combined with ThingEditor, it is low effort.
not done: