
Version 26 (modified by sauermann, 18 years ago) (diff)

added ref to new jsppage



Project guidelines:

Get it running

Detailed installation instructions for developers: DevelopingFirstSteps


  • Eclipse 3.1.0 (we all use it)
  • subclipse or any other subversion client
  • Java 1.5

The subversion repository is

There you check out these projects, the most important projects to check out are:

  • gnowsis - starter
  • gnowsis-server - core
  • enquire2006 - gui
  • kaukoluwiki - the semantic kaokolu wiki
  • sesame1 - web api for gnowsis

SVN problems

Use Eclipse 3.1 with Subclipse 0.9.105 on Windows. Then it has to work, as Leo develops this way. It should work on all operating systems using any SVN client, though.

Note: If you get this error: Unable to access https://...., unable to access site ...., PKIX path building failed: ...PathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target then you probably didn't say "yes" when you where asked this: Error validating server certificate for - Unknown certificate issuer Fingerprint: 57:23:96:60:c7:4e:4b:04:8a:9a:a1:1e:02:59:8a:11:52:0c:6e:97 Distinguished name:, Root CA. So, to fix this, you can either press "Accept permanently" in the right moment or look in this directory for more: <yourhome>\Application Data\Subversion\auth

If you want to do Aperture development:

  • Aperture in CVS: cvs login
    • host:
    • repository path: /cvsroot/aperture
    • connection type: pserver
    • username: anonymous
    • password: empty
  • Checkout project aperture

Getting it to start

The gnowsis project has the launcher for you.

  • If you have gnowsis checked out - the "run..." menu should have a list of favourites:
    • Windows start gnowsis
    • MacOSX start gnowsis
  • The GnowsisInstaller will show. satisfy it.
  • pressing close. gnowsis installs now silently. stand up, take a breath. think of something positive. notice the new simplicity. tell somebody a nice thing. sit down again.
  • GnowsisProjectPlan - look here to see what we are doing at the moment and what will be done next.


Use Eclipse debugger to debug.

Logging levels are set in this file: {{{.gnowsis-beta/config/

# add this to bottom # set the loglevel of a specific package de.opendfki.kaukoluwiki.level = FINER }}}

Specific Fields of Development



The first thing you might want to do is to write your own datasource, Gnowsis can deploy your own datasources without having to change the gnowsis code: See DynamicDatasources for more information! Then JoinGnowsis.